FBLA competitive events is a great way for you to get involved! We recognize and reward excellence in a broad range of business and career- related areas. These competitive events prepare students for successful careers in business by providing opportunities to apply classroom concepts in a workforce stimulated environment.
"Quote me"
Share your experiences in FBLA! How has Maryland FBLA (or FBLA in general) impacted your life? What are some of the best experiences you've had with us? We'd love to hear from you! Your quote might even be featured on our homepage!
Blue Ocean Competition
Are you interested in Entrepreneurship? Blue Ocean's shark tank like activity is a great way for you to give yourself a head start in business while in high school!
Member of the month
Member-submitted photo slideshow

This year, we'll have a projection screen displaying all of your SLC photos! You'll be able to see your submitted photos automatically updated throughout the conference!